
Cycling the Seine

Friday 14th June 2024

Home to Newhaven

The journey from home to Newhaven was mainly by train but also included a three or four mile ride across London between Liverpool Street and Victoria stations. The train journeys were ok but the ride across London was not so good, with a couple of freezing downpours and a lot of unpleasant traffic. It was ok along the embankment stretch but not very nice away from the river.

Ready to go

In fact it had been a cold and miserable summer so far but at least the rain had stopped for the moment by the time we reached Newhaven. We checked in to the B&B and were told we had to take our shoes off before entering our room - fair enough. The room had one double bed and a camp bed - Andrew volunteered to take the camp bed.

London Embankment
Battle of Britain memorial
Battle of Britain memorial by the Thames

London Embankment

Newhaven ferry terminal
Newhaven ferry terminal on River Ouse.
And the sun is out.

The Hope Inn... abandon it, any
music lovers who enter here!

6.8 miles ridden today.